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KZN Provincial Integrated Justice Forum : Background to the PIJF
(Adv C Roberts, Dept of Justice)

In May 1996 Cabinet adopted the National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) which established a framework for a multi-dimensional approach to crime prevention and provided a means whereby government departments could integrate their policies and activities with regard to crime prevention and control. The strategy comprised four key features, namely, reformation of the criminal justice system, the changing of public values and attitudes, environmental design and transnational crime.

The strategic plan was subsequently fleshed out by an adequate policy and legislative framework and in 1998 the Regional Head was directed by National Office to promote and facilitate participation by the Department of Justice in the crime prevention strategy at provincial level, which at the time was coordinated under the chairmanship of General Wynand van der Merwe of the Provincial Secretariat for Safety and Security and driven in the form of the KwaZulu-Natal Crime Prevention Strategy Committee (KZNCPSC). The first meeting attended by a representative of the Department of Justice was on 19 November 1998.

In December 1999, the provincial heads of the core criminal justice departments met to decide how the NCPS could be executed at provincial level. Because the Secretariat did not have the capacity and resources to drive the initiative envisaged by the departmental heads and because the involvement of the KZNCPSC in the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy diluted its crime prevention efforts, it was decided that the Department of Justice would henceforth drive the initiative. The KZNCPSC changed its name to the Provincial Integrated Justice System Forum (PIJSF). The legal section acted as the secretariat for the Forum.

The first meeting of the PIJSF was on 2 May 2000. Advocate Ross Stuart SC was elected as its first chairperson. Members comprised representatives of the judiciary, prosecution authority, SAPS, Correctional Services, Business Against Crime, Welfare, RTI , Durban Justice Centre, Provincial CPF Board, Public Works, etc. The PIJSF dealt with matters as diverse as prison accommodation, awaiting trial prisoners, detainment of minors, backlog in court rolls, mobile courts, and case review teams.

At the eleventh meeting of the Forum, in November 2001, which had by then been renamed the PIJS Board, it was resolved that because of the non-participation by officials of sufficient seniority to make binding decisions or commitments on behalf of their departments and because no meaningful data was furnished whereby the success of the Board's efforts could be gauged, the vision and strategy of the Board had to be re-stated and the appropriate departmental representatives identified.

At the twelfth meeting of the Board on 15 February 2002, the then DPP, Adv Mpshe chaired the Board, reported that he was unable secure any interest in and commitment to the Board from the primary stakeholders and it was dissolved.

Over the period 5 to 8 May 2003 a combined Portfolio Committee visited the province. At the conclusion of their visit they indicated that a structure similar to the Board had to be called into life to address the pressing issues in the criminal justice system. As a result of this directive and as part of the KZNPA strategic plan to improve service delivery, Advocate Batohi has initiated the establishment of such a structure.

PIJF Members

  Criminal Justice Strengthening Project 2011